Saturday 6 October 2012

[Random] Become.... skinny?

Alrighty, I've decided I need to lose weight...a LOT.

Currently, at 68kgs with a height of 157cm, my future doesn't seem much bright

well....'cause I'm overweight? ><

Not a very nice body to look at,eh? 
See that stomach? That's mine. And compare my arms to my friend behind me.

I had to scratch out her face (T^T) but privacy above all I believe.

Back to topic, I need to lose weight, atleast 20 kgs?

68-20= 48kgs.
Oh, that sounds amazing (^w^)

Now, from researching so many days and months and what not, I came to know quite a few things:

1. Water. Water. AND WATER.

Every frikkin' website I visit tells me the same thing; drink tons of water.
I must go look for a water fairy now...

2. Stop eating at 7pm, or 8pm.

Hmm....I wonder I can stick to THAT now (>.<)


Found inspirations from Hyun-ah of 4minute.

You know why?

Because, my dears, she used to be over weight as well, but, with her hardwork, she attained the body that many are envious of

*cheers Hyun-ah*

One day, I'll get that body. ONE DAY.

And when I do, I'll thank Hyun-ah from my heart <3

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