Saturday 6 October 2012

[Cosplay] Epic Cosplays

OH. MY. GAWD. What's wrong with these people and their epic cosplays? Now I really, REALLY want to marry a 2D guy or a cosplayer. Or maybe just kidnap them.

Durarara! Genderbend 

Goodness, I WANTS THAT SHIZUO GENDERBEND!! so hot I'm telling you.
and Izaya-chan, finally owned by her *smiles*


Okay,  I usually hate on Chizuru cosplays because many of them ALWAYS get shadowed by the beautiful men, but when a cuuuuute girl like her appears, one HAS to go "Hawwww!" no?

And can I just rape all the Okita cosplayers out there?

.....Beautiful, simply BEAUTIFUL.

And another Hakuouki cosplay. To be honest, I've got ZILLIONS of Hakuouki cosplays because:

1. all the cosplays are amazingly epic

2. they're Hakuouki cosplays.

3. they're Hakuouki cosplays (again)

..a girl? or a bishounen?

I really hope it's a guy....otherwise I'll officially become a bi. Yes, a bi.
God help all women then. (>w<)

Guess the anime?

Pink hair and a hyperactive blond.
And a cool megane-guy.

Yup, it's Kimi to Boku season 2! *hands cookies to those who got it right*
See see? nobody usually does Kimi to Boku because it's too simple, but when they do *dies of nosebleed*

Now I want a Matsuoka cosplay. And then I can die with happiness.

I have more but meh, too lazy. *rubs eyes*

Is it too much to ask for a 'Nessa no Rakuen' and 'Kuro to Kin ka Akanai Kagi' cosplays? 

Have fun drooling at them cosplays like me (*Q*)

Copyrights/Credits to the cosplayers

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