Sunday 28 October 2012

[Anime] Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate Ep 5

It's really, reaally sad when all you have is time for an episode, but you know the next one is waiting for you to watch.

I feel like punching the screen when this happens.

Nyways, although the anime has ended, I would still like to review the eps. Why, you ask?


ESPECIALLY when it comes to yaoi part *winks*

Now, this ep opens with Mifuyu narrating the stuff.....which is about the day. and her fanfic with Yuki.

any one would, believe me.
I love their daily randomness even though this is their regular routine.
Whenever Mifuyu does something for Yuki, he would take her hands in his and tell her to go out with him. It's cute and daring and cute. Did I mention it's cute? (>w<)

Yuki's legs. HIS LEGS! 

Now Mifuyu has to write the election speech for Yuki while the latter makes Ooshima Oojima rolls. And while the older girl does so, she also indulges in completing her marshmallow fanfic about them.

They are spending a peaceful moment, just him and her, when a person interrupts. Or make that three.

Or worse, three and a half.

First interruption is Shiohama Hidaka, member of some sort of school newspaper, who takes ,or claims to, Yuki's interview.

It's Ooshi- Oojima damnit!
She's annoying in a funny way; she takes every word he mutters as a comment!

Next comes my favourite: Yume and his yaoi-ness! 

...It's whipping cream, and nothing else. (>///<)

I RABU HIM! He claims to have come to see Yuki senpai do his stuff, and gets a bonus when there's whipping cream on his cheeks.And sure enough, takes it,makes everything sound wrong and sucks licks his fingers. Lucky kouhai!~ 

This is the half of the interruption I was saying earlier. Loved by everyone she is ^^
She comes asking for an angel's share of the cakes to which Yuki declines. And all Non-chan has to do is shed some tears and ends of ALL the cakes are in her hands!

Gotta admire her <3

After the two and a half eventful people (wait for the third one), it's peaceful time again for Mafuyu and Yuki as they engage in their personal duties...

her fanfic should become a novel, soon.
And then this female, the teacher, comes.

what does she want and who is she?
Okay, I get she is the club teacher and all, and somewhat close to Yuki and related to Shinonome. But seriously, WHAT IS SHE!?!

She baffles me.Like, seriously.

And Isara is not included in three-and-a-half thing because she's more like a pleasure than annoyance to Yuki. How cute (>w<)

Is it just me or is her hair really awesome?

I love her, the whole of her. She's so hardworking and kayuuute!

Even Yuki likes her being near him!


But Mifuyu has issues with this. Obviously.

After this it is time for the goods to be sold to fund their campaigns and give speeches.
And apparently, the dude without the face, Moheiji, is a strong rival thanks to his headless goods. Way to go dude~
Moheiji is good it seems like.
When Chisato tells Yuki he needs to prepare his speech, Yuki remembers he forgot his speech at home. And did not by-heart it.

And once again Mifuyu comes to the rescue and volunteers to re-print the speech while the rest 'cosplay' to attract customers and help Yuki's campaign.

All is well and Mifuyu returns with the speech. Only that it isn't the speech but the fanfic she was writing.

And the fanfiction with Yuki.

Doesn't that make you go 'fuuuu-' because the next ep seems so promising!?

My fav parts now (*Q*)

Favourite parts:

Ooji... vote for... 

Morishita is also cute.... THIS ANIME IS FULL OF  CUTE PEOPLE!
All my favorite parts are in the second half, because they're funny and cute.
Morishita here is trying to distribute Oojima Yaoi sticks to people, but failing it, decides to ask a....whatever creature that is, to vote for her friend.



Yep, that's you and Yume in the doujinshi ^^
it's cosplays and yaoi! I CAN'T EVEN--

Yume and Yuki make an amazing pair I tell you. Even I'd go crazy if these two guys did fanservice for me!



For some reason, the simplicity and the uniqueness of it made my heart go 'kyun!' seriously. When pushing Yuki's back when he's going for the speech, she kisses his back, a little kiss that only he can feel.

Though Mifuyu noticed it, and her expression broke my heart (x.x)


This is a really satisfying episode, and methinks I shall give the next one a watch NAOW.

Despite this anime being a harem- and I usually hate harems- I really like this one, mainly because the protagonist, Yuki, is level headed and normal as compared to other protagonists in other harem animes.

Not to mention the girls are absolutely love-able.

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