Friday 9 November 2012

[Anime] Litchi De Hikari Club Ep1

Holaa~ these days I'm actually active *surprised*

And in mood to write ^^

So now, since there were no other new horror titles out after 'another' according to me, I thought of going back to the age of horrors, and hence, went on a certain anime site and clicked 'horror category'.

To my surprise, there WAS a new title.

Litchi De Hikari Club.

Now to be honest, I hated this anime the moment I saw its cover:

who would want to watch this with such animation?

but since it was horror, I had  to give it a go, no? So I did.
It was depressingly short. It's only three minutes long, take some seconds. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? THREE FRIKKIN' MINUTES! Why must recent animes be this short?!

Okay, complaints aside, it's actually a good one. And I'm saying this from watching only one episode of it. But,sadly, it's more comedy than horror. *facepalm*

This ep opens with the leader,Zera ( I think), trying to mete out punishment to this random guy whose head is in a recycle-able bag. And the members, nine in total minus Kanon, the girl, want him to be executed. seriously what sort of middle-schoolers would want to execute another being? -__-

Kanon disagrees, to which the leader asks:

middle school. kill. punish. why?

So this question introduces us to the members, each of whom give unique and quite entertaining answers.

T-this is more erotic than a punishment....
This answer is cute, not to forget the guy who says it is more good looking than many in other animes, which is shocking given the animation of this one.

The leader disagrees.

The leader's rebuttal to another suggestion that the 'criminal' be forced to ask a harsh girl from a neighbouring school to go out with him:

this 'punishment' is wrong to begin with.

When all ideas given by the boys are exhausted, the leader turns to Kanon for a suitable punishment. Kanon's idea?

I wonder if she's being nice or inhumane as they say..
This advice, which is oh-so-cute for normal people like us, apparently is a dangerous thing for them, as they shiver and salute the girl in fear.

"No side dishes" is inhumane for these 'humans'.

This had me smiling. Seriously. I came in anticipation at it being horror but it turned of to be horror-comedy, and a surprisingly good one at it.

Favourite parts:


He meant shave his pubic hair. I think.

This is one hilarious answer. This guy says "let's do an experiment on him." and then declares "DO HIS PUBIC HAIR!"

Ahahahahaha *dies laughing*

The leader is confused, and doesn't even know what this member is saying. Way to go~



He is good looking after the other one who wanted to lick pocky, and his exclamation is funneh (>w<) Also, his idea was the best for a fujoshi otaku like me!

            "Let me tease him." 

kdhreuigheruh my feeeels!!



This is surprisingly a good anime as I have said before, and the animation is slightly annoying maybe because I'm used to moving animes...?
But it's good enough to watch, trust me.

And this time, I wouldn't say something like "if you have time to kill" because three minutes isn't much time anyways.

But give it a watch~ 

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