Saturday 10 November 2012

[Random] Coloured contacts!

So, as a half Japanese girl, I have really small eyes.

Which is God-given.

BUT! in my 18 years of living today, for the first time, I've tried contact lenses!~ *jumps around in joy*

and the happiest thing was my eyes looked big-ish!~

Do you know how exciting and happy it is who is always commented on her too-small eyes?!

This is normal me with almost non-existent eyes

Aaaaaand with the circle lenses:


My eyes look big and nice^^

I got them from my friend, and the colour is called brown (how unique
 -_-) but it's diamond shaped if you can see properly ^^

and my friend had a grey pair.
And God bless her beauty (*Q*)

Since it was the first time putting in lenses, ofcourse we'd camwhore, no?

So there!
Maybe I should have stolen her contacts? (>w<)

'cause selcas are in vogue^^

And my personal shots: 

why do i see myself pouting?

Don't be deceived though, I've got zillions of pimples, it's just the wonderful filter on androids app that works magic and makes everyone look beautifuru!

And I shall end my vain post with the last selca, and best one of mine so far:

i look like an ullzang wannabe...

not that i hate it ^^

Bye bye! *waves*

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