Monday 3 September 2012

[Anime] Sket Dance Ep 70

So, for no particular reason I decided to devote my time playing an otome game called 'Kuro To Kin No Akanai Kagi' 'cause it has yanderes and 18+ scenes (>//<)
It's OP is really awesome and the things the guys in the game say~ *blushes*

Nyways, back to topic. While I was away i see too many eps of too many epics I have to watch 'em all!!~

Starting with Sket Dance. Oh, this anime! Makes me laugh too much, too hard~ but for a change, this episode is more touching than make-you-hit-the-floor funny.

Why is that? BECAUSE THE AWESOME-EST KAICHOU IS LEAVING! graduating actually, but same difference for me.

So, this brand new episode opens with Bossun,Saaya and Himeko observing the results of election where Tsubaki has won....because nobody else had the balls to stand against him -__- and Bossun feeling proud. When Himeko asks how he feels as the elder bro, he mumbles and asks Saaya about her brother, to which, she responds:

Feeling lonely because Saaya is no more dependant on her onii-san?
HOW CAYUUTE IS THAT?!??! I'd throw away my precious manga (only one though) to have a brother like him!~

Kaichou busies himself doing random paperwork and at the same time, the members of the student council decide to say 'otsukare' to each other, with the ever-serious Tsubaki being all-too-fired up to take up the genius' place.

"Are we gonna die?" 
It's really funny how Tsubaki can cry and be fired up simultaneously, and as Michiru claims, messed up. But still, it's cute!

So begins a series of Tsubaki's attacks on various students and clubs, screaming that the school is slacking (way to go Tsubaki) to which the offenders become agitated to, and make the members of both the student council and Sket Dan worry for him.

No worries though, because Agata decides to give his kouhai a pep talk about handling
his responsibilities and you should see the light fill Tsubaki's eyes.... so wonderfuru! (*W*)

"kakakaka, he's gonna be a good kaichou."

And that was it for the first part, the second part focuses on Agata's departure...a surprise! 

Agata gets an unknown call when he's about to leave the rooftop where he was admiring the scenery, claiming they've got his much loved younger sister a hostage.

first time I've seen Kaichou so shit serious.

The ransom is to play along, a quiz. If he can answer all the four questions they let Saaya go, otherwise:

pero pero reminds me of Pelocan lollipop that makes everyone puke ><

and this 'lick her all over' is enough to get Agata on a fighting mode (killer mode more like) and starts to rush to the appointed rooms to break through the quiz questions.The first question is a numerical one,which, to him and him alone seems easy.

no it's NOT easy. -_-
Within two seconds he sees through this question that would take me atleast five hours and dashes off for the next one. The answer requires him to write in graph, which goes towards north east if you can imagine because I couldn't.

WHAT on earth is THIS shit? 

Apparently, given his whopping IQ of 160, is an easy question which,again, takes mere seconds to do. GOD this man is. It is a Kanji test. THINK! not that I know how to read Kanji let alone read them, but still.
 The answer is 'shi' in Katakana (do you know there are three types of Japanese writing?)

all of them were.

His weakest subject; logic. Its a VERY long question if you can see, and full of stuff from history and the like. BUT! obviously Agata solves this as well, whose answer is 'nana' or 'seven' in Kanji. So three out of four were cleared, I wonder what the remaining one is like? All I know,  wouldn't be able to solve it.

Neither do I.

THANK GOD there is ONE question he has trouble solving! I mean, I want him to solve it and save his baby sister, but it is inhumane for him to be so smart you understand?
Don't worry though, he does solve this one as well. Its a SHOGI game. who would have seen this coming? the answer is 'fu' which is the second last character from below in the second column. It's okay, even I didn't understand what I just wrote.

Having completed all the questions, the kidnapper asks,or rather, commands the now ex-kaichou to the music room which faces the rooms where he solved the questions. There, it's dark and no one present so while he's all getting confused, the rooms of the questions light up and he sees the four members aside each of the answers. Confused, he thinks why they would want to play such games with him, when he remembers one dialogue the kidnapper said. "I will wring your head sideways."  a pretty sick statement if you ask me, but Agata does it anyways. Not wring his head himself, mind you, but slant sideways. and lo behold! 

Simply GENIUS!

OH MY GAWD. WHICH GENIUS THOUGHT OF THIS? no,I don't mean Bossun as in the anime, the actual person who thought of this plot. hats off to him/her I swear. My eyes almost popped out at the creativity. A tear jerking moment for the kaichou when he realizes how Bossun and the seitokai members worked for this little farewell surprise. The beauty of friendship *swoons*

You did, really.

ahh Michiru crying is so beautiful~ Even though he isn't as high on my favs list as Agata or Switch or the other dudes he's probably at the lower end  I will still miss him and his "I'm sexy and I know it" -ness (T^T) 

Favourite Parts:

Sibling Love~

Imma print it out and frame it. 

Who would have thought the breaks could become the favourite parts in an episode? Not me, definitely. But these two of them are too good to ignore. I mean, JUST LOOK AT THESE. Two eps later I'm going to come back to this post to see these two pictures. 


the credits were a chronology of the seitokai from their first appearance

the credits. these were all shots from the first appearance of the student council till the end, and boy, was it amazing. There were so many scenes I has forgotten, but this made me jog my memory a bit and now I'll miss these two douchebags even more *sobs silently in a corner*


First of all, let me apologize for the excessive amount of screenshots, but seriously, if I could I would have taken every single second of this episode and made them into pictures, this one was that epic. The previous episode about...poop, was so hilarious I couldn't stop laughing even when I was dangerously close to dying due to stomach pain, but this episode was not the usual comedy, but a more sensitive, heart-warming episode that should be present once in a while.
This one's a must watch. *readies Rena Ryugu's hatchet incase some one doesn't*.

Sket Dance MUST exceed the number of Naruto episodes. It MUST.

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