Friday 3 August 2012

[Anime] Kyou No Asuka Show Ep 1

Okay... seriously, WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE FIVE MINUTES LONG EPISODES!!?!  just when you're finally getting into the mood, BAM! the episode decided to end in your face.

Kyou No Asuka Show
This anime is based on a cute, clue-less high school girl who does- unintentionally- things that seem 'suggestive' to men. which means it's ecchi.
I think the 'show' in the name stems from 'showing'stuff like her panties

In this awkward-ly short ep, we are introduced to the protagonist in this way:

..and this is the first view of the heroine.

THAT'S some sight to behold. She IS cute and well, clueless, but why must a high schooler be depicted in this way again?

So we proceed with the story and she is standing at a bus stand while three men stare their eyes off at her. And she's happily reading a book when a man strolls towards them. 

Yep, he tries to act a good samaritan because...because he imagines her being all thankful toward him and maybe falling for him. Being embarassed is the first one on his list. And that is exactly how girls her age should act.

If you just agreed, you're wrong.

"You didn't like seeing my underwear?"

That is the girl's reaction *facepalm*. I like how she didn't over react and didn't try to bury herself like how many girls her age would do, but still, there's a limit to being apathetic, especially when it's YOU who's being embarrassed. See, even the dude is shocked by her apparent 'innocence'. 

is it just me or is her smile really weird?

Favourite parts:

1) In such a short ep, it's amazing how I might actually have time to like anything, but still, every show has a moment which makes you smile, if not laugh xD

"Tch, he's telling her"

This is the part where the three men who were enjoying a free show clicking their tongue because someone bothered telling the girl about....err, her butt. It was amusing, as it was exactly how I can imagine guys reacting.


Apart from the episodes being irritatingly short,  I think it's a nice anime to watch once in a while to laugh at her being clue-less and hence, the others around her awkward. It's amusing in a slightly annoying way, but still, if you're bored and want something to enjoy, give this one a watch. I will definitely continue this anime.

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