Thursday 2 August 2012

[Anime] Hakuouki Reimei-roku Ep 3

Aaaand another episode of Hakuouki Reimeiroku!~

A feast for the eyes as the episode reveals Shinpachi topless and Hajime in a white yukata looking *cough* extremely r-rapeable.

Apparently after Hajime and he fought, Shinpachi is pissed off because villagers let the rogue samurais run away ( I was too buy staring at his...chest to notice) ,Hajime is cool-ly wringing his clothes when suddenly Souji makes a comment:

...for a person who cut other, yes he is.

he says it to Hajime because the latter is oddly calm after the fight, to which I agree.

Sannan-san Toshi's lookalike?

and then the I just weird or is this part really awesome to watch even though Sannan-san isn't exactly my favourite?

Basically, the whole episode revolves around Serizawa and his so-called 'celebration' at a red light district that the other seem to loathe.... and Kondou-san doesn't drink.

 No no, the ep doesn't revolve around THAT, but it was surprising, seeing how others,even Keisuke, drinks.He earns my respect for this. So it revolves around the celebration and the little 'incident' and Souji's underlying issue(s).

They reach the sake-ya where they indulge in sakes, and while Souji glares at Hajime goodness knows why ( I wish it were BL xD) , Ryunouske realizes this and looks to Hajime when Serizawa notices too and makes a comment that made me laugh.

Glares at Hajime-kun

and Serizawa's comment? "You've got a weird taste to stare at us men when you're at red-light district"   ahahahaha! says him -__-

Atleast,so far it's a dream-like anime having bishies everywhere without Chizuru or any girl interrupting the reverse harem....

or so I thought.


Since I like Chizuru I won't complain....and Kosuzu surprised and made me like her already with her boldness and all.....but still, a few more eps of 'untainted' bishies would have made me happier~  and oh,she's fated to become Ryunouske's lover <3

I think her name means 'small bell'? then that would be cute^^ 

...though because of her redeeming qualities she got struck by Serizawa. He throws a huge tantrum because Kosuzu refused to comply with his wishes and kicks Ryunouske in the process, and while the others try to calm him down, the romance has already started *whistles*

The rules of the group...
Wish I could write so awesome-ly

Later, the three higher ups, Sannan,Kondou and Toshi, make this seemingly strict set of rules for the samurais... a pack of wolves as dubbed by Toshi. (and wishing Serizawa breaks one and commits seppuku and kills himself)

So they march forth and Serizawa (surprisingly) agrees. I'd bet he has something up his sleeves to just take it.

Following this part comes the dinner~ after a few minutes of fun and Hajime...Souji breaks-mentally mind you. He claims he wants to go practice to 'cut' people like Hajime did and when Toshi demands he return to Edo......

And hence must you slay?

He actually screams. My,that's the first time I've seen Souji showing so many expressions. He seems like he has a warped mentality here, being caught up with Serizawa and feeling jealous of Hajime and such.
Next episode seems interesting. In many ways.

Favourite parts:

"Shut up already old man."
PRICELESS. Shinpachi also gives the same look,but these are better *sticks tongue out* I bet they were all STOOOOP IIIT!  fed up already as Serizawa keeps dissing Souji and perhaps trying to provoke him. how much I hate you Serizawa....


no one,NO ONE touches Hajime's food.
Now now, who would have though we'd actually get a omake (sort of) scene from Hajime kun?!?! being a kuudere as he is, I thought all the comedy was Shinpachi and Keisuke...BUT HAJIME KNOWS TO MAKE YOU LAUGH! HOW CAN YOU NOT RABU HIM?! In the earlier part he says a poem or something of that sort  and then when Ryunouske tries taking his can see. 

Shit just got serious.

So far it's interesting seeing Souji's character development. in the beginning he's cocky and slightly pissing off,  but with the story progressing we can see why. Kondou san reveals that there's a reason for his behaviour that tests others' patience.

Though I still don't understand why the inclusion of Kosuzu and Ryunouske if all the story does is reveal the others' past? even this episode seemed more centered on other characters than the protagonist. The next ep too promises us of more of Souji's past.

Serizawa. sigh. without him the characters wouldn't go through all that..
The episode is a must watch for Hajime devotees though,because of his unseemingly cute-ness.

I want Souji for myself. 

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