Friday 3 August 2012

[Anime] Kyou No Asuka Show Ep 1

Okay... seriously, WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE FIVE MINUTES LONG EPISODES!!?!  just when you're finally getting into the mood, BAM! the episode decided to end in your face.

Kyou No Asuka Show
This anime is based on a cute, clue-less high school girl who does- unintentionally- things that seem 'suggestive' to men. which means it's ecchi.
I think the 'show' in the name stems from 'showing'stuff like her panties

In this awkward-ly short ep, we are introduced to the protagonist in this way:

..and this is the first view of the heroine.

THAT'S some sight to behold. She IS cute and well, clueless, but why must a high schooler be depicted in this way again?

So we proceed with the story and she is standing at a bus stand while three men stare their eyes off at her. And she's happily reading a book when a man strolls towards them. 

Yep, he tries to act a good samaritan because...because he imagines her being all thankful toward him and maybe falling for him. Being embarassed is the first one on his list. And that is exactly how girls her age should act.

If you just agreed, you're wrong.

"You didn't like seeing my underwear?"

That is the girl's reaction *facepalm*. I like how she didn't over react and didn't try to bury herself like how many girls her age would do, but still, there's a limit to being apathetic, especially when it's YOU who's being embarrassed. See, even the dude is shocked by her apparent 'innocence'. 

is it just me or is her smile really weird?

Favourite parts:

1) In such a short ep, it's amazing how I might actually have time to like anything, but still, every show has a moment which makes you smile, if not laugh xD

"Tch, he's telling her"

This is the part where the three men who were enjoying a free show clicking their tongue because someone bothered telling the girl about....err, her butt. It was amusing, as it was exactly how I can imagine guys reacting.


Apart from the episodes being irritatingly short,  I think it's a nice anime to watch once in a while to laugh at her being clue-less and hence, the others around her awkward. It's amusing in a slightly annoying way, but still, if you're bored and want something to enjoy, give this one a watch. I will definitely continue this anime.

Thursday 2 August 2012

[K-Pop] Hwayoung/T-ara controversy

Lately the K-Pop scene has seen nothing except the T-ara/Hwayoung controversy... even allkpop's top 10 seems to be filled with the news.

What news you ask? Well, let me summarize for you:

1) Hwayoung injures her ankle. She can't perform. T-ara's 'day by day' promotions are on and they have to perform at various stages.

Jiyeon, Soyeon, Hyomin, Boram

2) Boram,Eunjung,Hyomin and Jiyeon tweet about 'determination difference' in which they tweet to no one in particular about how there was a determination gap during their Budokan performance.
hands of the twins
3) Hwayoung tweets "the support of my fans is important to me" while Hyoyoung,her twin sister in same agency in different unit tweets "What does it matter if your face is pretty.It's your heart that has to be pretty.Is a person who is unwell,not a person? I'm hurting too. I want to seriously cry...

4) Hyomin tweets a fragment of this book, and the netizens find out it's this book,called "there is a reason for everything" while Boram apparently 'unfollows' Hwayoung on twitter.

5) Various proof of Hwayoung being 'bullied' goes viral.
Most famous ones are the rice feeding- Eunjung
Poking Hwayoun in the eye- Hyomin
Destroying her umbrella- Boram
Ignoring her high five- Jiyeon

6) Hwayoung dismissed by CCM- their agency- and the CEO, Kikwang Soo or KKS, denies bullying. 

7) Random peitions build, such as T-Jinyo (we demand truth from T-ara) which gained 160,000+ members and 'T-ara should disband' recieved 710,000 signs while their biggest fansite,, shuts down due to significant lose of members

8) KKS blames Hwayoung for her dismissal.

Now,there are more in between but I'm not going to get in all that, will give you a better outlook. This particular post is because I'm a QUEEN'S,which means I'm their fan. That doesn't necessarily mean I am biased,hence, for the rumours and all, I'll *coughs like a boss* present both views,negative and positive.


Now, there are loads and loads of 'evidences' of bullying on the net,most are...brace yourself, false. BUT! there are some parts that cannot refute the rumours as completely false.

1) Rice-feeding:

Eunjung feeding Hwayoung

You see Eunjung feeding Hwayoung. Hwayoung makes a >< face.
It was on a Japanese variety program wherein they (Eunjung and Hwayoung were against each other) they fight with Wii. YES,WII -__-

Anyways, Eunjung's team lost. Hwayoung's team won (duh) and the rice cake is a 'prize' for the team and Eunjung,who scored the least, is, as punishment, made to 'feed' a member of the winning team (which consisted of Qri,Hwayoung and Hyomin) saying 'aaah' (It's embarassing,and hence, a punishment for Eunjung).

It's NOT bullying:
Firstly, in the same show,when Jiyeon was caught stealing the 'prizes', Hyomin went and forcefully tried to open her mouth to see if she really ate because Jiyeon was denying it. Then, Eunjung didn't exactly force the whole thing into her mouth, it was left for her to half in-half out sort of thing. Hwayoung ate the rest herself.
It was Eunjung's punishment,NOT Hwayoung's.
the strong point: IT WAS NOT FORCED.

It IS bullying:
Eunjung randomly chose Hwayoung, and instead of saying 'aah' and feeding the latter like how the game suggested, she more like plunged the cake into her mouth. Many say rice cakes are sticky and Hwayoung could have choked because many did, but apparently Eunjung didn't care. The announcer in the end said 'we conclude the show not knowing who actually got the punishment'.  And Hwayoung didn't seem to enjoy being fed and later she did have difficulty eating the cake.
the stong point: IT COULD HAVE CHOKED HER.

the rice cake was not shoved deep enough or long enough for Hwayong to actually choke, but it is also seen that Hwayoung had some difficulty ingesting the cake afterwards.

2) Poking business:

'this is SO bullying'
See, Hyomin REALLY poked Hwayoung accidentally.The elder smiles apologetically, and the maknae is all 'what did you do to me?' and Hyomin again gives a smile. HAPPY END.

It's NOT bullying: You decide.

It IS bullying: 
if this is bullying, I must be bullying my friends EVERYDAY.

I have no idea why only the poking part is so viral. WHAT HAPPENED TO THE CLIPS AFTER THE POKE!? even if all are wrong, I'd still say THIS ons is pure accident.

3) Destruction of the umbrella:

The one above is a commonly seen picture under "Boram breaks Hwayoung's umbrella!"
Why is this the proof of Boram's destruction?

"She's looking upwards."

If that's a reason, I'd like to break the person's nose who spread this.

Now,you're in for a shock:
it was broken to begin with.

this is before Hwayoung reached Infinite and the two members noticed Hwayoung's broken umbrella.

It's NOT bullying:
the whole clip should be watched to whoever doubtful. In it Qri was standing alone when Boram comes, and then leaves only to bring Hwayoung along with her. This all is is from a fancam of Infinite fan so nothing's clear, BUT. But,Boram was with Hwayoung more than 3 minutes before the latter came on screen. which means, if the little leader wanted to break Hwayoung's umbrella, she could have done it then and there instead of coming forward to break it oh-so-gloriously.Strong point: IT WAS BROKEN ALREADY.

It IS bullying: 
Well, Boram might have not broken the umbrella, but she could have tried to mend it like the Infinite guys. Maybe she did,maybe she didn't.
And largely, it seemed as if Qri and Boram were talking between themselves.Hwayoung just kept looking. Strong point: HWAYOUNG SEEMED LEFT OUT.

I'd say it wasn't bullying. The reason? I can't imagine anyone getting a person with her and breaking her umbrella.In front of public. Unless Boram is cracked up or on weed, I don't see it happening. AND BORAM IS TOO SHORT TO REACH HWAYOUNG'S UMBRELLA! 

4) Jiyeon ignoring Hwayoung:

Now, for this i really have nothing to say. Jiyeon is the face of the group, what else do I know about her? She's ADORABLE. But that seems really irrelevant here.

It's NOT bullying:
one could say she didn't notice Hwayoung. Or that she was too excited? Actually, there aren't any points for this one. But I wouldn't go as far as to say bullying. strong point: none.

It IS bullying:
It's crystal clear she saw Hwayoung. She couldn't have missed her. Unless she thinkg Eunjung has four hands and only one pair needs to be high-fived, I don't see how she could not give it to Hwayoung. Jiyeon is guilty here I see. strong point: SHE SAW HWAYOUNG'S HANDS.

 Jiyeon was indeed being mean to her. There's no reason to refute that.

Other less knows 'evidences' : 

1) Boram not acknowledging Hwayoung's presence:
"Happy birthday to our always and forever maknae, JiYeon!"

"Happy birthday to T-ara's 2nd maknae Hyomin!"

This one is a proof apparently because if Hwayoung was added, Hyomin is NOT the second maknae, because Hwayoung should be the 2nd maknae.

Here,there's a problem. and that is? the year. T-ara debuted in 2009,Boram added in July 2009, Hwayoung joined in July 2010 (oh the irony). Which means Boram might have  tweeted this BEFORE Hwayoung joined. If the year is revealed as 2010 or later, then T-ara loses.

2) Hwayoung crying:

Hwayoung don't cry (T^T)

Hwayoung's sister Hyoyoung suddenly remards that there is a lot of unspoken secrets in the entertainment industry. Hwayoung starts to cry.

People believe Hyoyoung said it for a reason.

Goodness knows what to make out of it. It could be bullying, it could be something else. Only she and whoever concerned know.

I'm tired already. Next I'll tell you who I blame.

T-ara and Hwayoung fighting!~

Both parties stay strong~

[Anime] Hakuouki Reimei-roku Ep 3

Aaaand another episode of Hakuouki Reimeiroku!~

A feast for the eyes as the episode reveals Shinpachi topless and Hajime in a white yukata looking *cough* extremely r-rapeable.

Apparently after Hajime and he fought, Shinpachi is pissed off because villagers let the rogue samurais run away ( I was too buy staring at his...chest to notice) ,Hajime is cool-ly wringing his clothes when suddenly Souji makes a comment:

...for a person who cut other, yes he is.

he says it to Hajime because the latter is oddly calm after the fight, to which I agree.

Sannan-san Toshi's lookalike?

and then the I just weird or is this part really awesome to watch even though Sannan-san isn't exactly my favourite?

Basically, the whole episode revolves around Serizawa and his so-called 'celebration' at a red light district that the other seem to loathe.... and Kondou-san doesn't drink.

 No no, the ep doesn't revolve around THAT, but it was surprising, seeing how others,even Keisuke, drinks.He earns my respect for this. So it revolves around the celebration and the little 'incident' and Souji's underlying issue(s).

They reach the sake-ya where they indulge in sakes, and while Souji glares at Hajime goodness knows why ( I wish it were BL xD) , Ryunouske realizes this and looks to Hajime when Serizawa notices too and makes a comment that made me laugh.

Glares at Hajime-kun

and Serizawa's comment? "You've got a weird taste to stare at us men when you're at red-light district"   ahahahaha! says him -__-

Atleast,so far it's a dream-like anime having bishies everywhere without Chizuru or any girl interrupting the reverse harem....

or so I thought.


Since I like Chizuru I won't complain....and Kosuzu surprised and made me like her already with her boldness and all.....but still, a few more eps of 'untainted' bishies would have made me happier~  and oh,she's fated to become Ryunouske's lover <3

I think her name means 'small bell'? then that would be cute^^ 

...though because of her redeeming qualities she got struck by Serizawa. He throws a huge tantrum because Kosuzu refused to comply with his wishes and kicks Ryunouske in the process, and while the others try to calm him down, the romance has already started *whistles*

The rules of the group...
Wish I could write so awesome-ly

Later, the three higher ups, Sannan,Kondou and Toshi, make this seemingly strict set of rules for the samurais... a pack of wolves as dubbed by Toshi. (and wishing Serizawa breaks one and commits seppuku and kills himself)

So they march forth and Serizawa (surprisingly) agrees. I'd bet he has something up his sleeves to just take it.

Following this part comes the dinner~ after a few minutes of fun and Hajime...Souji breaks-mentally mind you. He claims he wants to go practice to 'cut' people like Hajime did and when Toshi demands he return to Edo......

And hence must you slay?

He actually screams. My,that's the first time I've seen Souji showing so many expressions. He seems like he has a warped mentality here, being caught up with Serizawa and feeling jealous of Hajime and such.
Next episode seems interesting. In many ways.

Favourite parts:

"Shut up already old man."
PRICELESS. Shinpachi also gives the same look,but these are better *sticks tongue out* I bet they were all STOOOOP IIIT!  fed up already as Serizawa keeps dissing Souji and perhaps trying to provoke him. how much I hate you Serizawa....


no one,NO ONE touches Hajime's food.
Now now, who would have though we'd actually get a omake (sort of) scene from Hajime kun?!?! being a kuudere as he is, I thought all the comedy was Shinpachi and Keisuke...BUT HAJIME KNOWS TO MAKE YOU LAUGH! HOW CAN YOU NOT RABU HIM?! In the earlier part he says a poem or something of that sort  and then when Ryunouske tries taking his can see. 

Shit just got serious.

So far it's interesting seeing Souji's character development. in the beginning he's cocky and slightly pissing off,  but with the story progressing we can see why. Kondou san reveals that there's a reason for his behaviour that tests others' patience.

Though I still don't understand why the inclusion of Kosuzu and Ryunouske if all the story does is reveal the others' past? even this episode seemed more centered on other characters than the protagonist. The next ep too promises us of more of Souji's past.

Serizawa. sigh. without him the characters wouldn't go through all that..
The episode is a must watch for Hajime devotees though,because of his unseemingly cute-ness.

I want Souji for myself. 

Wednesday 1 August 2012


Sooo~  hii to the world that has yet to know about one more blogger who's going to passionately go on and about things that are currently important in her life....


Mind you,it's my first time EVER writing here...or anything for that matter,but since I really,REALLY want ya'll to know about the awesome animes, I've specifically created this^^

now for my introduction eh~
Name: Ai
Country: Japan!~
Age: late teen.... enough for my age?
