Saturday 15 June 2013

[Random] a long, long hiatus

So I'm back after...well, almost half a year.


AS Levels; the ultimate freedom snatcher.

I normally don't study much, maybe half a day when exams are ongoing (yes I'm extremely lazy) and then forget everything I study the very next day after exams. Having said that, my grades aren't thaaaat bad, hopefully.

Or so I thought.

Ever since AS levels begun I haven been constantly reminded of how I have to study if I need to score better than Es, as compared to Bs without studying during the O'levels (mocks I'm talking about). However, being the typical lazy-good-for-nothing girl, I haven't studied even say 3 hours a day, an insult to both my parents coming from countries where academically people are extremely conscientious and hard working. But YOLO, right? (I happen to hate HATE this word but this seems appropriate for the situation I'm presenting) so I chose to enjoy my school life in my new school.

The result? my exams were HORRIBLE with double caps lock font size 24. Now all I do is pray to God to let me get more than I deserve, an act I had done last year as well, and promise I'll do better in A2. Methinks I know as much as Him that I won't, but I'm going to hope for the best obviously.

And yes, my anime marathons were assassinated by said studies. No, I didn't study, but for some reason I was scared that if I started with animes the little motivation I have for studies would dissolve. So i remained anime starved these past few (more like ages) months on mangas.

Anywho, it's done with and all, and I do feel bad abandoning this blog for so long, but hope you can understand. Sorry, okay?  *hugs*

Now, let's go to animes? yay~

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