Saturday 15 June 2013

[Random] New school, tons of studies and a dash of drama (EDIT: LONG TIME AGO POST)

SO! It's already been two-three months since I've last blogged. Hmm, I wonder what important things I must have done...?

I don't know ._.
But oh well, let me tell you of the events which have been memorable for me these past few months!

So after switching schools, I've started lagging, mostly because IT'S SO COMFORTABLE!
The school I've studied for the last eight years didn't feel as 'home-y' as this one; in this school everyone accepted me as who I am....infact, SO many kids (yes kids-that's the sad part) come to talk to me!

And everyone in our class is SO nice. It's sad how it's gonna be an affair of a year. or two more months, since in May we all separate our ways.

Anyways, in January, I went to dad's country- Bangladesh, and spent a fortnight there. And that in the midst of exams. Why would I do that, you ask? We-el, my grandmother was terribly sick (still is, so please do pray for her) so we went to visit her after...wait for it, AFTER EIGHT YEARS! yeah. and she's like what, 90+? so just imagine her euphoria at seeing her granddaughters!

and then we met gazillions of relatives. And went to cox's bazaar. Did you know it's the most popular tourist attraction in BD? Despite it being really dirty, literally, with all the trash around, it was really nice- specially the beach and the hotel there called Seagull~

Let's not bore you, and skip skip back to Dubai.
After coming back, my friends and I arranged for another flashmob, like the one in 2011 which was really famous (with us being in Gulf News,Khaleej Times, some Korean channel called KTV as well as KBS) and successful with around 100 people [man, it's a LOT considering it's a country with no flashmobs xD]

BUT. This one failed. I have NO idea why-they're so mean- but only around 4-5 turned up. -_-

Though, this time it was tad more fun because of the pressure being less, because in previous flashmobs  all I can remember doing is screaming endlessly. And having to shoulder the fact that we were organising it so it should be more than just successful (it did succeed, apparently was in I AM movie...a very small clip but it was undeniably there) and of course, our friends from the new school were there too!
So we decided to call the flashmob off and had fun.
A bit boring, but that's how my life is anyways.

[Random] a long, long hiatus

So I'm back after...well, almost half a year.


AS Levels; the ultimate freedom snatcher.

I normally don't study much, maybe half a day when exams are ongoing (yes I'm extremely lazy) and then forget everything I study the very next day after exams. Having said that, my grades aren't thaaaat bad, hopefully.

Or so I thought.

Ever since AS levels begun I haven been constantly reminded of how I have to study if I need to score better than Es, as compared to Bs without studying during the O'levels (mocks I'm talking about). However, being the typical lazy-good-for-nothing girl, I haven't studied even say 3 hours a day, an insult to both my parents coming from countries where academically people are extremely conscientious and hard working. But YOLO, right? (I happen to hate HATE this word but this seems appropriate for the situation I'm presenting) so I chose to enjoy my school life in my new school.

The result? my exams were HORRIBLE with double caps lock font size 24. Now all I do is pray to God to let me get more than I deserve, an act I had done last year as well, and promise I'll do better in A2. Methinks I know as much as Him that I won't, but I'm going to hope for the best obviously.

And yes, my anime marathons were assassinated by said studies. No, I didn't study, but for some reason I was scared that if I started with animes the little motivation I have for studies would dissolve. So i remained anime starved these past few (more like ages) months on mangas.

Anywho, it's done with and all, and I do feel bad abandoning this blog for so long, but hope you can understand. Sorry, okay?  *hugs*

Now, let's go to animes? yay~