Monday 24 December 2012

[Anime] K Ep 12

CAN I JUST DIE!?!?? This pure epicness is just....ungh.

AAAALL my favourite seiyus in one anime is like dream come true. literally. Now pair this with sexy animation and out-of-the-world plot, there you have the anime named "K".

My exams are coming up in Jan, but since I haven't updated the blog in goodness knows how long, I decided to give one of the animes I was planning to watch a go.

And two days of my life devoured by it.
only 13 eps are there. GOD. WHY?! SAO ended, btoom! ended, and now this one.

*sighs* Let's proceed with the episode, ne?

there should be more!

Now let me review this another epic episode.

he's the same as this after more than fifty years. Yeah.

It starts with a 1945 when Weissman decides to leave the earth because 'there is nothing left' for him. Why are the scientists so hot?  
( ¯﹃¯)

'Nyways, Lieutenant asks him not to, but he still boards the weird space craft and... yeah, spends half a century in it.

Back in present, and in Shiro's body, he takes command of the situation wherein there are two kings, Blue and Red, fighting each other, and then this Colourless King who has hold of Kukuri's body.

So in all, there is an uncontrollable war outside. Kaboom and the sword...the Silver Sword representing Weissman appears, and everyone momentarily stops fighting.

And then of course, this Fushimi aka. Saru, the ever war hungry monkey, reminds Yata to fight him

Do i smell shounen-ai here?

The fight continues. Goodness, every single one of them is......just sexy, fighting with swords and fire and whatnot.

On the other side, the two kings are fighting, obviously. This screen shot is love, since it's showing the start of a serious fight. 

Red King v/s Blue King. Which one do you support?

Meanwhile, Weissman/Shiro asks for Neko and Kuro's help, and begins his moves.

So what does he do? Fly. hoho.

Please share this power with me!

Not really of course. He goes to Awashima to kidnap take her to ask for her help.

Kuro, on the other hand, goes off towards the warring sides to demand to cease fire. After a few lines, he manages to convince people to temporarily stop fighting and wait for their Kings, but OBVIOUSLY Fushimi is against it.

he's a psycho....a sexy one at that.

Yata, for once, agrees with his partner-turned-enemy, and defies him.
Kuro's response? "I never intended to make you understand verbally anyways."

Shiro, is concentrates kidna.....err, trying to convince Awashima to help him. Anna and Kusanagi are in the room (prolly the student council office) and she, spontaneously, opens the windows saying " coming." Anna is so cute (>w<)

Kusanagi's just 'ehh..?' until three bombs (not literally) fall from the sky.

Two girls and a guy from the sky. Jaw must touch the ground.

Kusanagi's shocked to see the kid they were so desperately looking for just come onto his lap, but before he could do anything about it, Shiro gets up and asks for both his and Awashima's help.

Suddenly,Kusanagi and Awashimas' cells ring, and Shiro/Weissman tells them it must be a call for him, so either should pick up.

It is from the Gold King.....or the lieutenant. 

The Gold King tells Kusanagi to pass the cell to this young-ish old man.... the one with:

Summed up description of Weissman/Shiro.

So he does. And Weissman/Shiro and the Gold King converse, and the latter scolds Weissman/Shiro about how he sowed what he's forced to reap now. Weissman, in a light hearted manner, replies:

Neko and Anna look fascinated? 

To me, at that time the world seemed to stop. The anime world I mean
( ̄▽ ̄)
Everyone (or atleast the people in the room) is so immersed in the conversation it was a nice break from all the war that's happening outside between the Red and Blue factions.

Though, the two kings are still fighting.


This would be their last fight. And it was just the beginning. How intense.
For some reason, this pic (above) reminds me of Katekyo Reborn. That leader of that group has similar face...and the fire in his hand.... nonetheless, it's amazing!~

Back in the room, Weissman/Shiro is still chatting with his old pal. 
He tells Lieutenant of his plans, and bids him goodbye.

That's not a nice way to end a conversation!  T_T

After he concludes the conversation, he turns to Neko, and asks her to help him stop the Colourless King from interfering with the evacuation of the students.

And also to be his first ever clansman.

W-what are you saying?  kidding. 

So she agrees, because she was always his Neko (pun intended).

Weissman is protective, lah.
He consoles the panicky student body by emitting this heavenly light and telling them in a soothing voice that he won't let anyone harm them. None of them remembers him, except that he's that person from the video footage.

After he finishes evacuating the students, he relays to the Colourless King (or Kukuri) that he won't let him do any further harm to the students. 

"You think you can stop me, eh?"
Again, this face....this particular expression reminds me of Higurashi. How weird.

So the Colourless King converses with himself, shifting between voices and attitudes, and starts walking....When slowly he stops giggling, leans to a tree, and says, sadly...

"Help me..."
And the episode ends.

WHY HOW WHAT HAPPENED WHAT HAPPENS!?!?!? I can't wait for the next ep, I don't want the next one to come. So many feels I want to cry.

Favourite Parts:

Neko's expressions are priceless!

I LOVE Neko's expressions. All are SO CUTE! She deserves more time, because not only she's ultimately cute and sexy, she's a useful cat as well. How many cats save your butt every time? None but she. And her expressions, so typical of a cat it's inevitable that you should like her.
And despite my fujoshi-ness, I actually like her crushing on Shiro.

You know he's an awesome friend when he sheds tears for you.

When Weissman/Shiro appears in front of Mishima and tells him not to worry, the latter repeats that he doesn't know this guy in front of him. Shiro endorses this statement, and tells him that even though the students don't know them, he knows them. Because they're his precious friends. To this, tears fall down Mishima's cheeks. Awww~

Kusanagi and Awashima are the parents and Anna is their child.

I wish the caption was true. I want these two people to get married. Like now. I prefer them over Munakata x Awashima pairing. Just saying. And the way Kusanagi treats Anna..... it's as if she's his kid. So yeah. Every moment they're together is a favourite moment.


Without doubt, this is one of the best autumn series, hands down. Though, I keep thinking of other animes when watching this. Like of course Durarara! since many of the voice cast is from that anime, but also No. 6 because of Shiro and Shion, and Hakuouki 'cause of the Blue Team's uniform and Kuro. And then I've said it reminds me of Katekyo and Higurashi. Wow.

Nevertheless, it's an intriguing anime, with lots of complications that make this anime seat grabbing and absorbing. And the characters are all interesting. It's like how you can't hate on Izaya in Durarara! although he's an antagonist, you couldn't hate on Fushimi or even the Colourless King. Okay, maybe you can hate the King, I was just saying.

So many pairings. SO MANY! There's Munakata x Mikoto, then Munakata x Awashima, Awashima x Kusanagi, Kuroh x Shiro, Shiro x Neko, Neko x Kuroh, Kuroh x Kukuri, Kukuri x Shiro, and many more. And my most fav: Yata x Fushimi. The love-hate thing between them is just 

Shounen ai in an action/seinen anime is *nosebleed*

Ahh. another wonderfuru anime coming to an end. It's like taking a part of me away.
If there's a special/OVA/movie, count me to watch it.